PDCA's Academic Study Committee

The Public Diplomacy Council of America has established an academic study committee to expand engagement between practitioners and scholars through partnership, exchange of ideas, and practical collaboration.
“This is a great opportunity to enhance the role of public diplomacy by bringing practitioners and scholars together on the pressing challenges of a new era,” said Steven Pike, Syracuse University associate professor of public relations and public diplomacy and committee co-chair. “Supporting each other strengthens the power of public diplomacy to make positive change in the world.”
The committee, approved by PDCA’s Board in December 2023, institutionalizes PDCA’s investment in community-building and professionalization. The Committee will roll out a number of initiatives in the coming year, such as organizing solution-seeking conversations on public diplomacy challenges and problems; developing a process to pair practitioners and scholars in information exchange; and creating a platform to invite and sustain collaboration on research and innovation.
“We envision a two-way exchange in which practitioners can access the scholarship and theoretical thinking of great public diplomacy scholars, and public diplomacy scholars can learn from the real-world experience and expertise of practitioners in the field,” said Karen Walker, program executive at The Presidential Precinct and committee co-chair.
Joining Steve and Karen are committee members Patricia Kabra, professorial lecturer at the George Washington University Institute for Public Diplomacy & Global Communication; Chris McShane, deputy course chair for public diplomacy at the U.S.  Foreign Service Institute; Michael Schneider, director of the Syracuse University Maxwell School’s Washington Public Diplomacy Program; Vivian Walker, adjunct professor, Master of Science in Foreign Service, Georgetown University; and Earl Anthony “Tony” Wayne, public policy fellow at the Wilson Center and distinguished diplomat in residence, School of International Service, American University.
The Committee is actively recruiting additional PDCA members to carry out its work. The Committee meets virtually, with meetings scheduled once a quarter. If you are a practitioner looking for knowledge and advice that can help you in your work, or if you’re a scholar willing to advise practitioners on practical solutions to challenges, please contact us at slpike@syr.edu and karen@presidentialprecinct.org. We want to add you to our growing circle of engaged professionals.
Find Academic Study on the PDCA home page by clicking here.