Video available: U.S. Public Diplomacy in Chile: First Monday Forum in August

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Meet Ambassador Bernadette Meehan, recipient of the 2024 PDCA Award for Public Diplomacy Leadership by a Senior Officer.

Ambassador Meehan will be our guest at the August 5, 2024, First Monday Forum, which will be available via Zoom.

Ambassador Meehan was recognized for her leadership of the U.S. celebration of the bicentennial of U.S.-Chile relations and the response to the 50th anniversary of the Pinochet coup that derailed democracy in the country for 17 years. PDCA noted that Meehan guided a public diplomacy strategy that cut across all U.S. agencies represented at the mission in Santiago.

The program is sponsored by PDCA and its partners, the USC Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership & Policy and the George Washington University Institute for Public Diplomacy & Global Communication.

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